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Reading Lists in Canvas

Information supporting the use of the Reading List app in Canvas.

Video - Rolling over a Reading List

Learn how to save time and reuse your Reading Lists again in the future. This video explains why Reading Lists need to be rolled over into the next semester's Canvas course shell and how to do this. Learn how to rollover your Reading List into a new course shell and how to publish the list so it is visible to your students.

Reading Lists: 4. Rollover (2:55 mins), RMIT Library Teaching & Research, Microsoft Stream (RMIT login required)

  1. Reading Lists must be rolled over each semester or new offering of the same course. This process is not part of the Canvas course rollover.
  2. Don't delete Reading Lists as they are not recoverable.
  3. The rollover of a Reading List must be for the same course code. To re-use a Reading List in a different course, see the page in this guide Exporting and duplicating a Reading List.
  4. Rollover should be done after teaching of the previous offering is finished.
  5. To rollover a Reading List you must be a Collaborator.
  6. You will need to also select Publish and send to library to make the Reading List visible to students.

How to rollover a Reading List

These instructions outline how to rollover a Reading List to a new course offering in Canvas.

  1. Go to the new Canvas course shell and select Reading List from the left-hand navigation menu
  2. Choose the option Select existing list
    Screenshot with reading list menu selected and create new list option highlighted
    Image: Copyright © Ex Libris. Used under licence.
  3. Locate the previous version of the Reading List with same course code
    Note: you will need to be a collaborator of this previous Reading List for it to be available for you to select. If the previous Reading List is not available, you will need to contact the previous course coordinator or the Library Teaching Support Team
  4. Select Rollover list
    Screenshot showing rollover list option highlighted for select course
    Image: Copyright © Ex Libris. Used under licence.
  5. Edit the list name and description of the Reading List for the new course offering
  6. You can remove the text '(Rolled over)' and add the new offering code to the list name or description
  7. Select Create list
    Screenshot showing where the reading list name and description can be edited and where to select create list option
    Image: Copyright © Ex Libris. Used under licence.
  8. Before you publish, add new citations to the list and delete citations that are no longer required
  9. Select Publish and send to library so that the Reading List is visible to students in the new course offering Screenshot showing where the publish and sent to library option is
    Image: Copyright © Ex Libris. Used under licence.
  10. In the 'Publish list to students' pop-up box, select Course students and then select Publish
    screenshot showing publish options with course students select and the publish option highlighted

Image: Copyright © Ex Libris. Used under licence.

The Reading List will now be available for students to view.