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Reading Lists in Canvas

Information supporting the use of the Reading List app in Canvas.

Export options

You can export your Reading List in a number of formats. 

Within a Reading List: select the ellipsis in the menu bar, then select Export list.

To export a Reading List, select the ellipsis in the menu bar, then select Export list

Image: Copyright © Ex Libris. Used under licence.

You can export your Reading List to Word, PDF, Excel, RIS, EndNote and .lgn.

Leganto export options

Image: Copyright © Ex Libris. Used under licence.

See the following box and the 'How to' tab to duplicate your Reading List using the .lgn file.

Duplicating a Reading List

Why duplicate a Reading List?

Duplicating a Reading List is making a copy to be re-used in another course, and often during the same teaching period.

Duplicating a Reading List is different from rollover of a Reading List as that list is being used again in the same course in the next teaching period.

Examples of when Duplicating a Reading List may occur.

Duplicating a Reading List may occur when the same list is to be used:

  1. for undergraduate and postgraduate courses
    e.g. JUST2316_2410 (undergrad) to JUST2318_2410 (postgrad)
  2. locally (in Melbourne) and offshore (e.g. Singapore)
    e.g. BUSM1228_2410 (Melb) to BUSM2653_2460 (Singapore)
  3. additionally, as a flexible course
    e.g. ISYS3473_2450 to ISYS3473_2402 (flexible)
  4. for multiple ‘classes’
    e.g. TCHE2685_2402_PGRD_1099 to TCHE2685_2402_PGRD_1115
  5. for different courses
    e.g. HUSO2252_2410 to VART3023_2450
  6. additionally, for online delivery (i.e. OUA / RMIT Online)
    e.g. LAW1031_2410 to LAW1031_2406

To begin duplication of a Reading List first follow the Export Options instructions to export your Reading List as an .lgn file.

Make sure your course shell has the Reading List LTI enabled in the course menu. Follow the instructions to install the Reading List LTI.

Importing an .lgn file to duplicate a Reading List

       1. Within any Reading List, use the Open in new tab icon located at the top right

       Using the 'open in new tab' link to view 'lists'

         Image: Copyright © Ex Libris. Used under licence.

       2. Select the Lists option

       3. Select Create list drop-down and Import list (either Drag and drop files or browse for a file to import the .lgn file from your computer)

       Selection of your 'Lists' and 'create list' in Reading Lists

        Image: Copyright © Ex Libris. Used under licence.

  1.  Once the .lgn file is selected, change the List name. Use the suggestive text in Link to course to select the course name 
  2.  When complete, select Create list

       import list from file

          Image: Copyright © Ex Libris. Used under licence.

Note: you only need to duplicate a Reading List once, thereafter you can rollover the list.