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Mendeley - Vietnam Guide

Mendeley is a free academic reference manager tool. This start guide will provide you with information on how to create your account, build up your Mendeley Library, and use the MS Word plugin to insert citations and references.

Adding References Manually

What if your sources do not support automatic exporting? 

Here are the steps to manually create a new reference:

1. Click on the 'Add new' button. Choose the 'Add reference manually' option (as screenshot below).

2. Choose the Reference type:

Select the appropriate Reference type from the available drop-down options (e.g., Journal Article, Book, Website).

3. Complete the fields:

Carefully fill in the required fields for the selected document type. This typically includes:

  • Title
  • Author(s)
  • Publication year
  • Journal/Book title (if applicable)
  • Volume/Issue (if applicable)
  • Pages (if applicable)
  • DOI (if available)
  • URL (if available)
  • Any other relevant information.

4. Select 'Add entry' to add the reference into your Mendeley library.