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Mendeley - Vietnam Guide

Mendeley is a free academic reference manager tool. This start guide will provide you with information on how to create your account, build up your Mendeley Library, and use the MS Word plugin to insert citations and references.

Get Your Work Ready for Submission

Mendeley connects with your Word document using field code. This code increases file size and is not suitable to submit to Turnitin (RMIT's plagiarism check software) or unwanted by publishers. Please remove it before submitting to Turnitin or publishers.

Please note:

Removing the code will convert your Word document into plain text. This means Mendeley will no longer automatically update your bibliography to include new references. We recommend that you save a copy of the original document with field code in case you need to edit your work later on.

To remove field code: 

Select all text (Ctrl+A/Cmd A), right-click, and choose Remove Content Control (as screenshot below).

screenshot showing the remove content control in word