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Media and Communication - Resources for Master Students

LinkedIn Learning courses

Course details

Level: Beginner                                           Released: 2/16/2018

PivotTables don't have to be scary! This powerful Excel feature cuts the time you spend on formulas in half. In this concise course, Excel trainer Dave Ludwig demystifies PivotTables and shows you how to get started using them to analyze your data. Dave begins by explaining two PivotTable basic building blocks: value fields and row fields. Then he shows you how to adjust a PivotTable by adding fields, filters, and formatting. Finally, Dave shows you how to use special filter buttons which are known as slicers, and he also demonstrates how to use timelines. At the end, he goes over the basics of refreshing and updating a PivotTable.

Learning objectives

  • Describe when you would use a PivotTable.
  • List the things you need to do prior to creating a PivotTable.
  • Explain the benefits of creating an Excel table before creating a PivotTable.
  • Describe a conceptual representation of the value field.
  • Cite the reason you should periodically refresh a PivotTable.

Course details

Level: Intermediate                                           Released: 5/24/2018

Excel isn't just for flat files. You can use it to create a simple database and get even more insights into your data. Join instructor Dennis Taylor and learn how to create a simple database. Dennis explains the key strengths of Excel as a data-management tool—and what it can and can't do—and spells out the design considerations you'll want to keep in mind as you create your database. Dennis also shows how to simplify database creation with tables and manage data with the built-in Form and Data Validation tools.

Learning objectives

  • Understanding database-design concerns like large lists
  • Converting data into tables
  • Working with formulas
  • Using slicers to facilitate table filtering
  • Using the Form tool to build and view data
  • Using data validation to restrict data entries

Books and eBooks

YouTube tutorials

This video shows you how to make a table in Excel and shows you some Excel tables examples that can be formatted to have banded rows in Excel to make the data easier to read visually. Learn all the basic database formulas easily in this Microsoft Excel Database Tutorial, using Microsoft Excel database formulas and function you will level up your current Microsoft Excel skill level and make you a Microsoft Excel Expert in no time!