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Media and Communication - Resources for Master Students

LinkedIn Learning courses

Course details

Level: Beginner                                          Released: 7/22/2017

Before you can effectively lead others, you need to lead yourself. In this course, learn how to manage your mindset, behaviors, and workplace relationships to help you stand out in your organization and in your industry as a leader. Whether you're on the management track or you're an individual contributor, authors and leadership experts Lisa Earle McLeod and Elizabeth McLeod can help you take charge of your own learning. They explain when and where you need to be leading yourself, as well as how to track your goals, take charge of your own development, and even give yourself a performance review. Plus, learn tips for motivating yourself, leading your peers, and managing your boss.

Learning objectives

  • List the three primary sources of internal motivation.
  • Recognize how strategic goals can help you achieve success.
  • Name three areas of focus when evaluating your own performance.
  • Recall a method for mentally rebounding after a failure.
  • Identify strategies that will encourage your peers.

Course details

Level: Beginner                                     Released: 6/19/2020

Lead with intention using the leadership tips, tactics, and advice in this audio-only course. Lisa Earle McLeod and Elizabeth Lotardo explain how to develop a leadership mindset, thrive in crucial leadership moments and challenges, and build a winning team. Discover how to master the leadership opportunities you have at every turn: to set direction, build a strong team, and make a lasting impact on your entire organization. By the end of this course, you'll learn how to manage your mindset and behaviors to be a leader others will want to follow.

Learning objectives

  • Aligning your team and setting goals
  • Holding high-impact one-on-ones
  • Delivering feedback
  • Navigating team conflict and change
  • Recruiting talent
  • Leading through disruption

Books and eBooks

YouTube tutorials

Leadership lecturer and former corporate executive Lars Sudmann argues that it's likely that they learned to overcome the "leadership formula of doom" and then developed themselves as a leader. In this funny and invigorating talk Lars walks us through the personal journeys of great leaders, shows lessons from the golden age of leadership and shares 3 strategies on self-leadership to develop yourself into a "Utopia leader”.