For a complete picture of a company or industry company / industry reports are needed for the facts plus theory, news and trends.
Find facts about companies and industries in company or industry reports located in independent databases such as IBIS World, MarketLine, Business Source Complete (EBSCO) and DataAnalysis Premium.
While not scholarly, company and industry reports are a credible source of information.
Reference these as reports in your referencing style. Guidance on referencing can be found in Easy Cite.
You can use theory to support your arguments. You may not always find theory relating to your exact topic, company or industry. You may have to think broader and find relevant theory about a different company in the same industry or the same issue in a different industry.
Theory can be found in academic journals and trade publications.
News about a company or industry may add weight to your arguments. News may include industry trends, new products, mergers or acquisitions, what’s hot and what’s not plus any problems or issues relating to a company or industry.
Find News in databases such as MarketLine, Proquest, Business Source Complete (EBSCO), Factiva.
Such News can also be located via social media. If using social media be sure to verify your sources.