You can search for physical books, e-books and book chapters in LibrarySearch. Login and search in it using search words (keywords) that describe your topic, then refine your results to 'Books' and 'Book chapters' under Resource Type. If you only want online resources (e.g. e-books and online book chapters), further limit your results to 'Online' under Show Only.
Further information: Tips for using LibrarySearch
An example search:
("Management Techniqu*" OR "Managerial Intervention" OR "Management Strategy") AND ("Employee Stress" OR "Employee Dissatisfaction" OR "Employee Burnout")
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are freely accessible and openly licensed teaching and learning materials that can be reused, shared, revised, and remixed.
The Library's e-Books guide covers everything you need to know about finding and using e-books.