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Visualise Your Thesis competition

Overview of Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) competition for RMIT HDR candidates


Copyright for Your Visualise Your Thesis Entry

When planning your video entry, consider copyright from the outset – ensuring that you use copyright-compliant audio or images – which will guide your choice of images and audio.


Finding images, video and music

The RMIT Library provides advice and support on sourcing copyright friendly ("free to use") resources like images and music. See the Copyright guide for more information and websites that you can use when creating your video.

Copyright for Visualise Your Thesis

Copyright compliance

It's important to ensure you have the right to use the material you include in your Visualise Your Thesis entry. Materials typically fall into one of these four categories: 

  1. You are the copyright owner (you created it) 
  2. It's under a Creative Commons license 
  3. Copyright has expired or it has been made available in the public domain 
  4. You have the copyright owner's permission 

The following video on copyright from the University of Melbourne's Visualise Your Thesis team provides an excellent introduction to copyright. 

Keeping your entry copyright compliant (3:00 mins) by University of Melbourne Library (Vimeo)

Out of copyright materials

A great option for sourcing media in your entry is to use freely available media. See the Library Copyright guide for sourcing public domain materials or resources without copyright restrictions. The University of Melbourne's video on accessing expired copyright materials provides an excellent introduction to the topic. 

Accessing expired copyright materials (2:50 mins) By University of Melbourne Library (Vimeo)

Seeking permissions

If you would like to use materials that are not your own, don't have a Creative Commons license or are in the public domain, then you will need to seek permission from the creator. This short video shows you how to do this, and contact the RMIT Library for further support. 

Seeking permissions: Using copyright materials for Visualise Your Thesis (3:54 mins) By University of Melbourne Library (Vimeo)

Protecting your copyright

You might want to share your work once you have completed your video, and let people know how they can use it, plus ensure you receive acknowledgement. A researcher profile such as ORCID can be an excellent way to showcase your work and connect with other researchers. The Library guide Researcher profiles and ORCID can help you get started with creating academic profiles. Also, see the following video on protecting your copyright from the University of Melbourne.

Protecting your copyright (2:36 mins) By University of Melbourne (Vimeo)