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Visualise Your Thesis competition

Overview of Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) competition for RMIT HDR candidates

Planning your videos

The University of Melbourne's Visualise Your Thesis team have created three videos that can help you develop the story your would like to tell in your Visualise Your Thesis entry:

  1. Finding your why
  2. Show, don't tell
  3. Your video lab at home

We suggest watching these videos to help you get started thinking about what you would like to say, and how you would like to present it.

Effective video storytelling

Finding your "why"

Effective video storytelling for researchers: Chapter 1 - finding your "why" (2:10 mins) By University of Melbourne Library (Vimeo)

Show, don't tell

Your video lab at home

From the Thesis Whisperer

Check out this video by The Thesis Whisperer, Inger Mewburn, for some inspiration on how to organise your 1 minute presentation.

Visualise your thesis (13 mins) by The Thesis Whisperer (YouTube)