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Visualise Your Thesis competition

Overview of Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) competition for RMIT HDR candidates

RMIT competition

What is Visualise Your Thesis?

The Visual Your Thesis (VYT) competition is a program for graduate researchers developed by The University of Melbourne.

This international competition challenges our graduate research students to present their projects in a 60-second, eye-catching digital display.

Potential benefits of the research must be explained for a general audience.

Competition Overview 

RMIT University is thrilled to announce the Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) competition.

The competition is open to all currently-enrolled HDR students (Masters by Research, Ph.D.) at any stage of their candidature who are active and attending.

Please note that Honours students, Masters by coursework students, graduate researchers on a leave of absence, lapsed candidates, and graduate researchers employed by RMIT University with potential influence over the competition outcome are not eligible to enter. 

See previous entries at the Visualise Your Thesis repository.

Why Participate?

Participating in VYT offers you the opportunity to: 

  • Develop essential digital communication skills. 
  • Build awareness of open access and copyright. 
  • Showcase your research to a broader audience. 

Register for the RMIT Visualise Your Thesis competition

Entries for the 2024 Visualise Your Thesis competition have closed. Stay tuned for the announcement on the next competition in early 2025!

Training, dates and prizes

Key Dates

  • Registrations of interest open: Monday 10 June 
  • Open for submissions: Monday 8 July 
  • Submissions close: Sunday 11 August 
  • Showcase and RMIT University winner announced: Week beginning 19 August. Register to attend the Showcase event.
  • International competition winner announced: October 2024

Training program  

  • Introductory session. View the recording of this session to hear about the VYT competition, including requirements, timelines, training and support resources.
  • Developing an online presentation. This online workshop will guide you in creating an engaging short video presentation, including sourcing and attributing media such as images and audio to enhance your entry. (view the recording).
  • Presenting to a general audience. This interactive workshop assists PhD students in transforming their research into a compelling, accessible narrative for a broad audience. (view the recording).


RMIT University Visualise Your Thesis competition:

  • First place: $1000
  • Second place: $500
  • Third place: $250
  • People's choice: $250

The RMIT winner will represent the university in the Visualise Your Thesis International Competition and compete for the following prizes:

  • First place: $5,000
  • Second place: $2,000
  • Third place: $1,000

Key documents

Before submitting your VYT entry, ensure you have completed the following:

  • See the Entrant Pack for detailed information on eligibility, judging criteria and technical instructions.
  • Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Programme for Entrants
  • Make sure your entry includes the title and reference slides from the Presentation template

Contact the Library's Research services team to receive copies of the Entrant Pack, Terms and Conditions and Presentation Template.