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Mendeley is a reference manager tool to help collect, organise, cite and share references.

Why use Mendeley?

Mendeley is a free and user-friendly reference manager that allows you to collect, organise, cite, and share references. It consists of two components that can be used together or separately: Mendeley Reference Manager Desktop and Mendeley Reference Manager Web.

Features of Mendeley include:

  • Works with word processing applications such as Microsoft Word and LibreOffice to create citations and bibliographies
  • Store, annotate and highlight PDFs from within your library
  • Enables collaboration and sharing
  • Webpages/citations can be captured using the Web Importer (web version only)
  • With a free personal Mendeley account, users receive 2 GB of storage for personal documents, and 100 MB for shared web storage (See below for RMIT MIE limits).

The new Mendeley Reference Manager (2:24 mins) by Mendeley (YouTube)

Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE)

Current RMIT students and staff members have access to additional storage and​ collaboration capacity through Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE).

This includes:

  • 100GB of personal and shared storage
  • Unlimited groups with up to 100 collaborators

To access MIE, go to Mendeley Web and Sign in via your organisation. You will be prompted to sign in via RMIT's single sign-on. Once logged into Mendeley, select your name in the top right to view My Institutional Groups.

MIE access will remain for as long as you are a current RMIT student or staff member. Just before you graduate or leave RMIT, please change your RMIT e-mail address to a personal one in your Mendeley account settings. This will ensure you will have continued access to your free personal Mendeley account. 

Installing and support



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