EndNote Online is the simplified, condensed online version of the EndNote Desktop program. EndNote Online is not installed on a computer; you log into it from anywhere with your EndNote Online account.
EndNote Online allows you to:
EndNote Online does not allow you to:
Please see EndNote system requirements for Windows/Mac, Microsoft Word and browsers.
This guide includes instructions for EndNote Online.
The Library also has a guide for EndNote Desktop.
A module that will help you decide which tool to use to organise your references. It explores the features of three popular reference managers: Endnote, Zotero, and Mendeley.
Some common features of reference managers include:
EndNote, Zotero and Mendeley make it easy to change to another reference manager. Please note: while citations will be copied, PDFs of articles may not be exported.
There are three types of EndNote Online accounts:
Used as a standalone reference management system separate from Web of Science and EndNote Desktop, EndNote Basic is the free version of the EndNote Desktop program and is only available online. EndNote Basic has 21 styles and a limited number of filters and connection files. EndNote Basic is available for free to anyone, and no purchase or paid subscription is required. EndNote Basic users can create online libraries with up to 50,000 references with up to 2G of attachments.
This version of EndNote Basic available as part of the Web of Science database subscription has over 3000 styles and hundreds of filters and connection files. This version is available to those whose institution has a subscription to Clarivate's Web of Science database. RMIT Library has a subscription to Web of Science, which you can access as a current RMIT student or staff member.
Log into Web of Science with your RMIT credentials, then click on Products > EndNote at the top right corner. This will take you the EndNote Online log in page. Either log in with your existing EndNote Online credentials if you already have an EndNote Online account, or click the Register link to create a new EndNote Online account if you do not.
The premium version of EndNote Online requires the free creation and registration (Sign Up) of a new EndNote Online account via the EndNote Desktop program. Please follow these instructions: EndNote: Register for an EndNote online account included in desktop program.
If you already have an an existing EndNote Basic account, you can upgrade it to an EndNote Online account for free by registering your EndNote Basic account via the EndNote Desktop program. Please follow the instructions in EndNote: Register for an EndNote online account included in desktop program, but instead of clicking on 'Sign Up', log in with your existing EndNote Basic credentials.
Using EndNote Online via the EndNote Desktop program will enable you to sync both your EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online libraries.
More information: EndNote Desktop Comparison Chart.
The following are three ways to create an EndNote Online account:
For EndNote Basic (on or off campus)
Through Web of Science database (on or off campus):
Through EndNote Desktop: