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Use Zotero to add, manage, share and sync your references, and insert and manage citations in Word.

What is Zotero?

Zotero is a free, open-source tool that creates, stores and manages references and bibliographies. Depending on your needs, you can either use the desktop or online version.

Zotero allows you to:

  • Use the Zotero Connector (a browser extension) to add an online article or webpage to your Zotero library.
  • Use an Identifier (e.g. ISBN, DOI, etc.) to add a new reference to your Zotero library.
  • Create and add a new reference from a PDF file to your Zotero library.
  • Import selected references to your Zotero library from various online search tools (e.g. LibrarySearch, library databases and Google Scholar).
  • Manually add references to your Zotero library.
  • Insert references from your Zotero library into your document (Cite While You Write (CWYW)) - using Microsoft Word, LibreOffice or Google Docs (this guide covers Microsoft Word only).
  • Attach full-text PDF files to your references.
  • Organise references into collections (like folders).
  • Share your Zotero library/collections with other Zotero users.
Zotero Desktop Zotero Online
Zotero Desktop is the comprehensive, full version software that is downloaded and installed on a computer (Windows, Mac or Linux).

Zotero Online is the simplified, condensed online version of the Zotero Desktop program. It is not installed on a computer; you can register for free (create a new account) and log in to your Zotero Online account from anywhere.

Full functionality. Limited functionality.
Unlimited storage for your attached files (e.g. PDFs). Provides free storage up to 300MB, with the opportunity to purchase extra storage space. However, if you choose not to store your attached files (e.g. PDFs) in your Zotero Online library, 300MB may be enough.
Can be used without an Zotero Online account.

Although you can use it on its own without a Zotero Desktop library, Zotero Online is particularly useful when used in conjunction with Zotero Desktop.

You can use Zotero Online to sync your Zotero Desktop library so you can access it from anywhere, back up all your attached files (e.g. PDFs) and join groups.

Not sure if Zotero is right for you?

Choosing a reference manager

A module that will help you decide which tool to use to organise your references. It explores the features of three popular reference managers: Endnote, Zotero, and Mendeley.

Common features of reference managers

Some common features of reference managers include:

  • Save references from LibrarySearch, Databases and Google Scholar
  • Auto-generate citations and bibliographies in word processing applications
  • Attach and annotate PDFs and other files 
  • Share collections of references with others
  • Available in a desktop version and an online version
  • Sync your references across multiple devices

Changing reference managers

EndNote, Zotero and Mendeley make it easy to change to another reference manager. Please note: while citations will be copied, PDFs of articles may not be exported.

Downloading, installing and registering

Download and install Zotero Desktop


Your own personal computer

Download and install Zotero from the Zotero Download page.

If you need help, contact RMIT's IT Service Connect.


RMIT computer

Contact RMIT's IT Service Connect to download and install Zotero from the Zotero Download page. You may not have the admin rights to do so yourself.

Check for Zotero Desktop software updates on your personal computer

Go to Zotero Desktop, then Help > Check for Updates within the top toolbar.

Register for (create) a Zotero Online account

  1. Go to the Zotero Login page.
  2. Click the Register for a free account link. Follow the screen prompts.
  3. You are now logged in. Click on Web Library at the top to access your Zotero Online library.

You can log in to your Zotero Online account from anywhere. Go to the Zotero Login page and enter your credentials.

Download and install the Zotero Connector (browser extension)


Your own personal computer

Download and install the Zotero Connector from the Zotero Download page (select the file for the browser you use).

If you need help, contact RMIT's IT Service Connect.


RMIT computer

Contact RMIT's IT Service Connect if you are unable to download and install the Zotero Connector from the Zotero Download page. You may not have the admin rights to do so yourself.

Referencing styles

Zotero referencing styles

Zotero Desktop automatically includes various referencing styles that are installed with the program, including APA 7th, Chicago, IEEE, Vancouver and more.

To access the styles: go to Zotero Desktop, then Edit > Preferences > Cite.

Adding the Zotero style closest to RMIT Harvard

The referencing style in Zotero that is the closest match to RMIT Harvard is called the Style Manual - Australian Government (author-date). If you use RMIT Harvard, you will need to add it in.

To add this style: go to Zotero Desktop, then Edit > Preferences > Cite > click on Get additional styles in the Title Search box, type australian government > click on Style Manual - Australian Government (author-date) > press the OK button.

Note -- RMIT Harvard users: The 'Style Manual - Australian Government (author-date)' style is not a perfect match with the RMIT Harvard style. You will still need to check for inaccuracies or errors with your referencing when using it. Ensure your referencing follows the guidelines for RMIT Harvard on Easy Cite.

You cannot add referencing styles in Zotero Online, but you can create bibliographies in the style of your choice, including in the 'Style Manual - Australian Government (author-date)' style. This is covered on the Zotero and Word page of this guide.

Zotero layout

Zotero consists of three panels, ranging from broad/general to more specific content.

Left panel

  • Shows a general overview of your Zotero library by displaying the folders that contain all your references (e.g. My Library, individual collections).

Middle panel

  • Shows a summarised list of all the references from the folder you clicked on (selected) in the left panel. For example, if you click on the My Library folder in the left panel, all the individual references from My Library will display in the middle panel. Or if you click on a collection in the left panel, all the individual references from that particular collection will show in the middle panel.
  • In Zotero Desktop, you can attach and view files (e.g. PDFs) by right-clicking on a reference in the middle panel and selecting 'Add Attachment'.

Right panel

  • Shows the specific details of the individual reference you clicked on (selected) in the middle panel.
  • You can view and edit all the information of the reference, as well as add notes and tags.
  • In Zotero Online, you can attach and view files (e.g. PDFs) for a selected reference by clicking on the Attachments tab in the right panel.