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Library resources in Canvas

Information on linking and embedding Library resources in your Canvas course and ensuring copyright compliance.

About this guide

Discover how the Library can help you enhance the quality of course reading materials, making them copyright compliant and readily available to your students. 

The Library has many resources to complement your teaching. These resources can be linked to or embedded easily within your Canvas course.

This guide covers:

  • finding and adding Library subscription resources, as well as open-web resources
  • methods of adding resource links to Canvas, including use of the Reading List app
  • referencing resources used in your Canvas course
  • ensuring copyright compliance of resources used in your Canvas course

Reading Lists

What is a Reading List?

Using the Reading List app in Canvas is best practice to link students to learning materials.

Integrated with Canvas, the Reading List app allows teaching staff to create and manage a dynamic Reading List that connects students directly with their course learning materials. Search Library-owned material, as well as open web-based resources, and add ebooks, book chapters, journal articles, videos, podcasts, webpages and more, creating easy access for students to copyright compliant material.

For more information and instructions about using the Reading List app, see the library guide Reading Lists in Canvas.


Request Teaching Support

Copyright advice for learning and teaching

Copyright in Canvas (4:04 mins), RMIT University Library, Microsoft Stream (RMIT login required)

Find how to ensure copyright compliance in your learning and teaching activities at RMIT:

  • Images, photographs and copyright
  • Video, YouTube, TV and copyright
  • Books, chapters, articles and copyright
  • Sound recordings, music, podcasts and copyright
  • Open educational resources and copyright


For assistance, contact Copyright Services:

Copyright Capability program (Workday)

Copyright symbol

Learn how to apply copyright best practice in teaching

Are you using library resources, materials from the web, video, images and other copyright works in your online teaching? Learn about copyright and applying best practice to your teaching activities and discover useful resources in our Copyright Capability program in Workday.

Image attribution: "Copyright symbol wallpaper" by Stuart Rankin is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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