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Reference managers

An introductory guide to three common Reference managers - EndNote, Zotero and Mendeley.

Sorting and locating references in your EndNote library

By default, references are sorted alphabetically, by Author. You can sort each column alphabetically or by date, by clicking on the top of the column.

references can be sorted via multiple column options

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You can also add new columns by right clicking on the top of any column and choosing from the list that appears e.g. Record Number, Keyword or Research Notes.

You can search within the EndNote library via the Search Library box on the toolbar, or by clicking on Advanced Search or Tools > Search Library (OR Cmd+F) to conduct a more detailed search.

using advanced search options

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Looking at your EndNote Library

When you have imported your records, you see the library window. The newly imported references are displayed in the summary screen.

endnote mac library screenImage: Copyright © Clarivate. Used under licence.

Changing capitalisation in the title field

  1. This is the only change where you need to double-click onto a reference to open it in the Summary/Edit screen. Select Edit.
    changing sentence case
    Image: Copyright © Clarivate. Used under licence.
  2. Highlight the text.
    changing sentence case
    Image: Copyright © Clarivate. Used under licence.
  3. Select Edit from the top menu, and then Change Case.
  4. Select your preferred option. 
  5. Click the Save button on the top right to save the changes.

Duplicate references

You can remove duplicate references in your EndNote library by selecting Library > Find Duplicates.

Check the completeness of the record you wish to keep e.g. Does it have full text attached? If you have already inserted one of these records as a citation in your Word document, do NOT delete it in your EndNote library, or the citation will disappear from your document. Select Keep this Record for the reference you want to keep.

Note: To check which record you have used in your Word document, note the record numbers and see page 24 for instructions on unformatting the citations in your Word document to identify the record you have inserted.

finding duplicates

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Adding full-text and PDFs

Adding full text

You can add full-text to your EndNote library in different ways:

1. Adding an existing (saved) PDF to the record in your EndNote library

The easiest way to add an existing saved pdf file to a record in your library is to drag and drop the pdf file onto the reference located in your library summary screen


Highlight a reference in the summary screen and select the Attach file button

selecting attach file in summary screen

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2. Using Find Full Text to attach PDFs to existing records in your EndNote library 

This method is useful when you do not already have the PDFs of your references. EndNote will search for the full text PDF files (if available), and if located adds the pdf file and the URL link to the record in your Library. This method can be carried out either for one reference at a time or for multiple reference simultaneously.

Note: This method only works for journal articles and conference papers with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). You do not need to know which ones have a DOI -- EndNote will work that out. Older journal articles and conference papers, government reports, annual reports, company or industry reports, unpublished materials such as manuscripts, newspaper articles and book chapters may not have a DOI and you will need to manually add the pdf file.

3. Adding a folder of existing PDFs to create new records in EndNote 

  1. File > Import.  
  2. Select Folder or File from existing location.   
  3. Click Import.

Note: This process relies on the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of articles to create records in EndNote. If a PDF was not created in a format that allows EndNote to distinguish between the different elements of the citation (e.g. a scan, or an older PDF) then the reference created will have mostly empty fields that you will need to fill in using data from the PDF.

Automatically import PDF files

In EndNote, click EndNote 21 > Preferences > PDF Handling and tick Enable automatic importing, then select your Download folder > OK

While you are researching, download any new PDFs you find to the Downloads folder. EndNote will automatically import them. Where possible, EndNote will find and add the basic publication information to the new reference via the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).


1) Have EndNote create more informative PDF names.
If you add a file such as <1-s2.0-S0305748812001399-main.pdf>to your auto import folder, EndNote can attempt to rename the PDF to an author-date-title format e.g. Bendall-2013-The public life of maps.pdf. You can also set your own custom renaming protocol. Click EndNote 21 > Preferences > PDF Handling > tick your preference and OK

2) Ask EndNote to find any missing publication information.
If the PDF was added and only lists its file name and a DOI, EndNote can try to find and add the base publication information via the DOI. 

  1. Click the reference. 
  2. Click References > Find Reference Updates
  3. If anything can be found you will be presented with the additional information. Fill in blank fields or copy across additional information and save the changes.

Note: sometimes EndNote matches the accession numbers from different databases and suggests a different article. Click Skip.

Groups and Tags


Groups make it easy to organise a large library into folders to manage references or use a subset of references for a paper or chapter. A group simply points to a subset of references that already exist in the library. They are a COPY only of selected references from your All References.

1. Create a Group – manually add records to the Group

  • Control + click My Groups or from the menu Groups > Create Group and name it, e.g. a topic you are researching, or Literature Review or Chapter 1. 
  • Drag and drop some references into your Group. You can also Control + click on a Reference and select Add References To

2. Create a Smart Group - records matching your terms are automatically added to the Group

  • Control + click on My Groups > Create Smart Group or from the menu Groups > Create Smart Group and name it. 
  • Select Any Field > Contains and then enter a term that commonly appears in your references (e.g. in the title, abstract or keyword fields). 
  • This creates a group that will automatically add references if they contain your chosen terms.

creating a smart group

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In EndNote 21 there is, in addition to Groups, the ability to add custom colour coded tags to the references in your EndNote library.   

You first create the Tags you need by selecting (right clicking) My Tags from the left-hand menu. Give the Tag a name and select a colour. 

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To add a Tag to a reference in your library you can either drag the reference into the particular Tag required in the left-hand menu OR right click on the record > Manage Tags > Select from available Tags to add and then select OK. 


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Formatting (and changing) styles in EndNote

Reference styles can be changed in EndNote AND in your Word document. The style selected should be the same in both. 

From Style drop-down menu, click Select Another Style, select required style e.g. APA 7th or IEEE or other, and select Choose to add it to your list of styles. 

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In the Summary screen below the Select citation is an example of what your selected reference style. This allows you to check your reference. You can also click on the Style, then Select another Style from this menu.  

Extra styles can be downloaded via Tools > Output styles > Open Style Manager then search in the list OR to find further styles select Get More on the Web. 

Saving and backing up your EndNote library

You can save your complete library (including the .Data folder and all of its contents including images and PDF files) to a single compressed copy in order to back up your library, transfer it to a non-RMIT computer or send a copy to a colleague. The .Data folder is important, even if you are not storing PDFs in it, so compressing the library allows you to email it without losing recent updates.

To save to a compressed library file

  1. Open the library.  
  2. From the File menu select Compressed Library then Create
  3. Choose the folder or drive where you want to save the library. It will be a file with the extension .enlx (not .enl).