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Systematic reviews

A guide that outlines the process for conducting a systematic review.

Upcoming Research Spotlight webinars

A collection of computer and laptop screens showing online meetings.

Unlocking Research Visibility: Discover the new Research Repository and Open Access Support

Join us for an in-depth session on RMIT's new Research Repository. This platform is designed to amplify the visibility and impact of your scholarly work. We will provide a step-by-step guide on how you can add research to the repository and showcase it to a worldwide audience. 

This session will also outline the Library's support for Open Access availability of your research outputs. Open Access is pivotal in making research freely accessible, increasing citation rates, and fostering global collaboration. We'll offer practical insights into self-archiving (“green” OA), allowing you to share your research while complying with publisher policies.  

Wednesday, April 9, 2:30 - 3:30PM

Register via link below:

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

Upcoming webinar! Getting started with Covidence

‘Getting Started with Covidence’ includes a live demonstration, providing an overview of the systematic review workflow, and showcasing some of the most popular features of Covidence.

The session will include: Settings; Importing; Title and Abstract Screening; Full Text Review; Extraction tools; Exporting; and, PRISMA Bonus! 

Also, get tips and tricks to jumpstart the review progress, as well as the opportunity to get your specific questions answered.

Presented by Julie Brown from Covidence.

Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

If you register and cannot attend, a follow-up email with the webinar recording, along with any presentation material, will be sent to you by email following the event.

Systematic review - Definition

A systematic review is a type of secondary evidence that summarises research that has already been published.

Systematic reviews, according to Wright, et al., are defined as a:

“review of the evidence on a clearly formulated question that uses systematic and explicit methods to identify, select and critically appraise relevant primary research, and to extract and analyze data from the studies that are included in the review.”

What are Systematic Reviews? (3:23 min) by Cochrane (YouTube)

Evidence based practice

When conducting a systematic review it is important to ask a question that can be answered through use of evidence, rather than subjective judgment. In evidence based practice, systematic reviews are considered one of the highest levels of information.

A systematic review may sometimes include a meta-analysis. A meta-analysis is the use of statistical methods to combine data from studies included in a systematic review. Not all systematic reviews include a meta-analysis.


Pyramid of evidence based practice. Case reports, case studies, cohort studies, randomized control trials and systematic reviews at the top of the pyramid because they have stronger evidence and fewer articles

Diagram of circles showing all review articles as the outer circle, systematic reviews as a much smaller circle within that and meta-analyses as an even smaller circle within the systemaic reviews circle









Image: What's In a Name?: the Difference Between a Systematic Review and a Literature Review and Why It Matters (pdf) by Lynn Kysh / CC-BY 4.0

Image: What's In a Name?: the Difference Between a Systematic Review and a Literature Review and Why It Matters (pdf) by Lynn Kysh / CC-BY 4.0

What type of review is right for you?

Types of evidence synthesis

Evidence synthesis refers to any method of identifying, selecting, and combining results from multiple studies. Types of evidence synthesis include: 

Literature (Narrative) Review

A broad term referring to reviews with a wide scope and non-standardized methodology.

  • Search strategies, comprehensiveness, and time range covered vary and do not follow an established protocol.

Rapid Review

Applies systematic review methodology within a time-constrained setting.

Scoping Review or Systematic Map

Systematically and transparently collects and categorizes existing evidence on a broad topic or set of research questions.

Umbrella Review

Reviews other systematic reviews on a topic.

  • Often defines a broader question than is typical of a traditional systematic review.
  • Most useful when there are competing interventions to consider.

Systematic Review

A methodical and comprehensive literature synthesis focused on a well-formulated research question.

  • Aims to identify and synthesize all of the scholarly research on a particular topic, including both published and unpublished studies.
  • Conducted in an unbiased, reproducible way to provide evidence for practice and policy-making and to identify gaps in research.
  • May involve a meta-analysis.
  • Much more time-intensive than traditional literature reviews.


A statistical technique for combining the findings from disparate quantitative studies.

  • Uses statistical methods to objectively evaluate, synthesize, and summarize results.
  • May be conducted independently or as part of a systematic review

"What type of review is right for you?" by Cornell University Library is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Further reading

Grant, M. J., & Booth, A. (2009). A typology of reviews: an analysis of 14 review types and associated methodologies. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 26(2), 91-108.

Review methodology decision tree

Cornell University Library has developed a decision tree that assists in identifying the types of reviews.

Decision tree: text version

Do you want to gather all the evidence on a particular research topic?

No: Do a Literature (Narrative) Review.

Yes: Do you have 3 or more people to work on the review?

No: More intensive reviews usually require a multi-person team for unbiased article screening.

Yes: Do you have 12–18 months to complete a review?

No: Do a Rapid Review.

Yes: Do you have a broad topic or multiple research questions?

Yes: Do a Scoping Review.

No: Do you want to review other published systematic reviews on your topic?

Yes: Do an Umbrella Review.

No: Do you have a well-formulated research question?

No: Systematic reviews are conducted in an unbiased, reproducible way to provide evidence for practice and policy-making and to identify gaps in research. They require a well-formulated research question.

Yes: Do a Systematic Review.

Will you use statistical methods to objectively evaluate, synthesize, and summarize results?  

No: A meta-analysis will not be needed.

Yes: Do a Meta-Analysis.

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