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Systematic reviews

A guide that outlines the process for conducting a systematic review.

Contact the Library

The Library has a team of Teaching and Research Librarians and Academic Skills Advisors available to assist staff and students in the use of library services and resources. In terms of systematic reviews they are able to:

  • advise on the research question and frameworks
  • recommend establishing a comprehensive protocol
  • assist with identifying keywords, especially controlled vocabulary (thesaurus) terms
  • assist with developing search strategies
  • recommend a selection of databases
  • provide instruction on how to use specific databases
  • assist with the effective use of reference managers
  • advise on critical analysis tools
  • provide feedback on writing drafts

Conducting a systematic review

Pressbook module cover.

Conducting a systematic review

This module is part of the Research and Writing Skills for Academic and Graduate Researchers. It provides an overview of the key components and the process you need to follow when conducting a systematic review. Briefly covered are developing the research question and the protocol, aspects of searching, performing the analysis, and reporting findings. The course materials include information, videos, and learning activities that explore key features of conducting a systematic review.

Book cover attribution: "Research and Writing Skills for Academic and Graduate Researchers" by RMIT University Library is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. Cover design by Dr. Lisa Cianci. Artwork 'Luwaytini' by Mark Cleaver, Palawa (underlayed), All rights reserved. Cover image: Human Skills by Vicons Design from Noun Project.

Cochrane Handbook