Things to know about ASTM International Standards Online
Only one user at a time may access this database. Please log out out when finished to allow others to log in after you. If you cannot login, please try again later.
To use this database, you must create a free personal account by registering as a new user. You then log on with that account. Please register using your RMIT e-mail address, not your personal e-mail.
When you are logged in, click on Engineering Workbench if you are asked to choose.
How to search
Type the standard number or keyword(s) in the search box, e.g. carbon steel. Press the green search button.
Within your search results, leave My Subscriptions unchecked so your search results will include standards we both subscribe to and those we do not. You can also choose to filter your search results by Publisher to see standards from the publisher(s) you are interested in, e.g. ASTM, ISO.
If we subscribe to the full-text of a standard, you will not see any shopping cart icon below the title. Simply click on the title to access the standard.
If we do not subscribe to the full-text of a standard, you will see the shopping cart icon below the title. To request a purchase, click on the cart > click on Request access > fill in the form > press Submit. If approved, you will be able to access the full-text by clicking on the standard's title. (Note: if the shopping cart icon has a magnifying glass, you will be able to preview an excerpt of the full-text. This can help you decide if that is the standard you need before you request a purchase. To preview, click on the title.)