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Researcher profiles and ORCID

Maximise the visibility of your research outputs by discovering how to establish a researcher profile.

Create a Web of Science researcher profile

A Web of Science Researcher Profile lets you track your publications, citation metrics, and also add any editorial and peer review work you have done for journals and conferences. With a researcher profile, you can easily claim your publications on Web of Science and resolve any author identity issues. Your profile is distinguished by a unique identifier called a ResearcherID, which can be shared with your peers and linked to other researcher profiles such as ORCID.

Note: Publons has now been integrated with Web of Science. If you previously used Web of Science ResearcherID on Publons, you will be redirected to Web of Science as the single point of access and management of your former Publons profile.

If you already have existing access to Web of Science or EndNote Online, there is no need to create a new account, simply sign in to Web of Science and click on Profile > 'CREATE' from the side navigation and then follow the prompts.

To register for a Web of Science researcher profile

  1. Go to the Web of Science registration page and select the 'Register' tab (use your RMIT email address).
  2. Web of Science will automatically search for any publications that match your name/email address provided and add them to your profile.
  3. If you need to manually add publications to your profile see the instructions below.
  4. You can edit your profile to include published names, primary organisation, peer review preferences and sync with ORCID.   

You should ensure that you only have one Web of Science Researcher Profile and one ResearcherID. If you have duplicate profiles follow the instructions below to merge your profiles.

To merge duplicate researcher profiles

  1. Sign into your Web of Science account.
  2. Go to 'Settings' (located top right of screen under your name drop-down).
  3. Select 'Account Settings' > 'Delete/merge account' tab.
  4. Next, select the radio button 'I need to merge duplicate accounts' > Submit request.
  5. After submitting your request, you will be contacted via email to complete the process.

You can manage and add several types of peer review to your researcher profile including publisher-invited, community and grant.

To manage your peer review settings

  1. Sign into your Web of Science account.
  2. Go to 'Profile Settings' (located top right of screen under your name drop-down).
  3. Select the 'Peer Review Preferences' tab.
  4. From the menu, you can manage your reviewer, author, grant and peer review display preferences.

To add peer review types to your Researcher Profile visit the Web of Science Managing Peer Reviews page for step by step instructions.

Add publications to Web of Science Researcher Profile

You can manually add publications to your researcher profile in Web of Science. This will provide you with a variety of citation metrics including your H-Index, sum of times cited and citing articles data.

To add publications to your profile

  1. Sign into your Web of Science account.
  2. Navigate to your Researcher Profile by selecting the Researcher Profile icon to the left of screen, or the 'View my researcher profile' button at the bottom of the page.
  3. In the 'Documents' tab, select the '+ Manage' link.
  4. Next, select the '+ Add publications' button and use the drop-down boxes to select your preferred method:
    • Add an email address you have previously published under.
    • Add an identifier such as a DOI.
    • Add a publication via file upload (import an RIS, BibTex or CSV file - you can also export an RIS file from your EndNote Desktop library).
    • Sync with ORCID - see instructions below.

Sync your Web of Science researcher profile with ORCID

Enhance your Web of Science Researcher Profile by syncing with ORCID. You can sync publications, peer reviews and keep your ORCID up to date with changes in your Web of Science Researcher Profile, and vice versa.

To sync your researcher profile with ORCID

  1. Sign into your Web of Science account.
  2. Go to 'Profile Settings' (located top right of screen under your name drop-down).
  3. Select the 'ORCID Syncing' tab.
  4. Select the 'Connect your ORCID ID' button to link both profiles.
  5. Next, sign in to ORCID.
  6. Confirm your sign in details and select the 'Authorize access' button.
  7. This process will revert to the Web of Science profile settings menu and display your linked ORCID iD - you can toggle syncing and permission settings between profiles.
  8. Publications imported from ORCID will now display on the main Researcher Profile page and on the 'My publication records' page (access via the '+ Add publications' button).