ORCID is an open, non-profit and community driven initiative.
The 16-digit Open Researcher and Contributor ID, or ORCID is a persistent and unique digital identifier which enables researchers and institutions to maintain a consolidated record of all of their research activities. It also facilitates eligible individuals and organisations in tracking research expertise globally, without naming ambiguity.
ORCID IDs are increasingly used as a search term/method for enhanced research visibility and discoverability.
Find out more at ORCID at RMIT (access via RMIT Researcher Portal)
ORCID for RMIT Researchers (4:02 mins) RMIT Library Teaching & Research, Microsoft Stream (RMIT login required)
The benefits of ORCID include:
What is ORCID? (4:14 mins) from ORCID on Vimeo.
Create your ORCID iD at the ORCID website:
To register, enter your first and last name and RMIT email address. Note: it is recommended that you add another personal email address to ensure access if you change institutions.
After entering a password and reviewing the notification settings you will be asked to set the visibility settings for your profile: 'Everyone'; 'Trusted parties'; or, 'Only me'. The default is 'Everyone’ but researchers might select 'Only Me’ until everything is set up.
You can review trusted organisations in the 'Account Settings' section. When you connect your ORCID to another organisation’s system, you will be asked to grant permission to that organisation to interact with your ORCID account. For example, a publisher may request permission to obtain your ORCID when you submit a manuscript.
Don't forget to complete the link to RMIT.
Q. How can I have my ORCID ID appear on my academic profile on the RMIT website?
A. Register for your ORCID profile and link it to your RMIT Elements account. To link your ORCID iD to RMIT or update your other author iDs, visit RMIT Elements.
Q. What happens if I move institutions?
A. If you move institutions, you keep the same ORCID. It is recommended that you add an alternative email address to your ORCID profile so that you maintain access if you move.
It is suggested to link your ORCID with RMIT to ensure information can be shared between systems. To do this:
Q. Why should I nominate RMIT University as a trusted party?
A. ORCID will allow an automated data feed with RMIT systems such as the new Research Repository, the Researcher Portal and the Find RMIT Researchers web tool. This will allow, for example, automated updating of nominated areas of research interest as outlined on an ORCID profile.
There are several methods to add publications to your ORCID profile. The three main methods for adding works to your ORCID profile are:
From the Biography section go to > Works > + Add.
The recommended way to add "traditional" research outputs such as peer-reviewed journal articles to your record is via Search and link, as this tool directly connects to some organisations and databases and ensures accuracy of record data.
How to import works into your ORCID record using a Search & Link wizard (1:51 mins) from ORCID on Vimeo.
For databases or platforms that don't have a direct connection with ORCID (e.g. LibrarySearch, Google Scholar or EndNote), you can import citations in the form of BibTeX (.bib) files - more detail can be found on the ORCID website.
Note: It's recommended that the Search and link import function is used wherever possible, as there have been some inconsistencies when trying to import BibTeX (.bib) files.
To import a BibTeX file (.bib):
This method is suitable for adding NTROs and other Research Outputs not listed in the main databases connected to ORCID.
To add manually:
A quick method for adding the citation can be to copy and paste from a CV or list of your works.
For further information follow the Add works manually instructions from the ORCID website.
Adding your research outputs to ORCID (5:24 min) by RMIT University Library, Microsoft Stream (RMIT login required)
The Research Management System (RMS) is a web-based system used to prepare and submit research applications, assessments and rejoinders for the Australian Research Council (ARC).
Researchers can now provide their publication data to the ARC RMS via their ORCID profile.
Tip: When uploading records into the RMS select ‘All’ instead of ‘Available’ (the text box on the right hand side next to where you select ORCID for sources). The default is 'Available' rather than 'All' records but this can result in missing records.
Adding Research Outputs to the ARC RMS (6:56 mins) RMIT Library Teaching & Research, Microsoft Stream (RMIT login required)
Other methods to add research outputs to the RMS include by uploading a BibTex file, by DOI or manually entering the works
Q. How should I add non-traditional research outputs (NTROs) to my ORCID profile (e.g., creative works), and how will they transfer to the RMS?
A. The ARC advises that you may need to enter NTROs manually to your ORCID profile - select the 'Unspecified' citation type and ensure that you enter the full citation as you would like it to appear in the 'Citation' field.
More information on adding works manually (including NTROs) is available on the 'Adding publications' section on this guide.
Q. I selected 'Populate from ORCID' in the RMS but some of my research has not transferred!
A. You may need to edit the works in your ORCID profile that did not transfer. Entering information such as the DOI or ISBN can be helpful, if available. Otherwise, ensure that the citation field in ORCID is complete (see above question).
Q. The RMS says all the works have transferred from ORCID, but I can't see them!
A. Check that you have the 'Source' drop-down option set to blank, and the 'State' drop-down menu set to 'Available'
This Library guide by RMIT University Library is licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0 licence, except where otherwise noted. All reasonable efforts have been made to clearly label material where the copyright is owned by a third party and ensure that the copyright owner has consented to this material being presented in this library guide. The RMIT University logo is ‘all rights reserved’.