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Researcher profiles and ORCID

Maximise the visibility of your research outputs by discovering how to establish a researcher profile.

Contact the Library

The Library has a team of Teaching and Research Librarians available to assist staff and students in the use of library services and resources. In terms of researcher profiles they are able to provide advice on:

  • setting up your ORCID profile and adding your publications
  • setting up other researcher profiles and integrating them with ORCID
  • submission of material to the RMIT Research Repository

Setting up your researcher profile

Pressbook module cover.

Setting up your researcher profile

This module is part of the Research and Writing Skills for Academic and Graduate Researchers. Establishing a researcher profile is very useful for promoting and increasing the visibility of your research publications and other activities. The module provides an overview of commonly used researcher profiles and how to establish and maintain them.

Book cover attribution: "Research and Writing Skills for Academic and Graduate Researchers" by RMIT University Library is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. Cover design by Dr. Lisa Cianci. Artwork 'Luwaytini' by Mark Cleaver, Palawa (underlayed), All rights reserved. Cover image: Human Skills by Vicons Design from Noun Project.

Researcher Capability Development

Expand your research capabilities

RMIT's Researcher Capability Development offers a series of self-paced modules on topics ranging from data management, networking for researchers, grant writing, publishing, impact literacy and more.

Image: Copyright © RMIT University