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Research metrics

Information and resources to demonstrate impact using research metrics.

Publication metrics and where to find them

The metrics in this table relate to individual publications. Metrics that apply to all publications for an author can be located in the section on Researcher metrics. Early career researchers may find using metrics for individual publications useful rather than metrics for all their publications.

The Research evidence for grants and promotion library guide provides example statements of how to express these metrics within an application or report. 

Metric Definition Tool
Citations Number of citations received by a publication.
Field weighted citation impact (FCWI)

The Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) is an article metric which compares the total citations received by a publication compared to the average number of citations received by all other similar publications from the same research field in the 3 years following publication. 

The global mean of the FWCI is 1.0, so an FWCI of 1.50 means 50% more cited than the world average; whereas, an FWCI of .75 means 25% less cited than the world average. 

Category normalised citation impact (CNCI)

The Category Norm alised Citation Impact (CNCI) for a single publication benchmarks its citations received against other publications in the same subject area, year and format. CNCI can also apply across several subject areas although it is a more meaningful metric if it is only for a single subject area.  

A CNCI of 1 would be on par with the average citations for the subject area; more than 1 would be above average; and anything below 1 would be less than average. 

Article ranking - Paper in top percentile cited 
1%, 5%, 10% and 25%
Paper that is in the top 1%, 5%, 10% or 25% of most cited for a given subject category, year and publication type.
Highly cited paper Paper published in the last 10 years with the most citations (top 1%) when compared with papers in the same field and publication year.
Hot papers Paper published in the last 2 years with the most citations (top 0.1%) in the most recent two-month period compared with papers with same field and publication date.
Altmetrics mentions

Altmetrics (alternative metrics) are a collection of indicators that are complementary to traditional, citation-based metrics (bibliometrics) and include citations in public policy documents and patents, discussions on research blogs, mainstream media coverage, bookmarks on reference managers, and mentions on social media. 

For more information on altmetrics see the online guide: Altmetrics 

Views Top views percentiles, views per publication
Downloads Number of times a publication has been downloaded