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Research metrics

Information and resources to demonstrate impact using research metrics.

Book impact

It is generally more difficult to find citations to books than to journal articles, although Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar all include some citing references to books and book chapters.

Some other ways of demonstrating book and book chapter impact are through:

  • Australian and international library holdings
  • Book reviews
  • Sales figures from publishers
  • Prizes, awards and honours received
  • Editions and translations
  • Used as a university textbook
  • Published by high quality publisher or respected editor
  • Cited in policy or practice documents
  • Mentions in the media - see library Altmetrics guide

Library holdings

The following can be searched to locate library holdings of book titles:

Book reviews

Reviews of books and chapters can provide evidence of how they have been received by the scholarly community and outside of academia.

Reviews can be found in the scholarly literature as well as in popular sources, such as newspapers and magazines.

Some suggested databases to search for reviews are: