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Nursing and Health

Learning resources and research databases for: nursing, including mental health, child and family health, indigenous health, and drug information; and health, including allied health, primary health care, public health, and health information management.

Contact the Library

A team of academic skills advisors and librarians can help you with:

  • study skills and assessment tasks
  • assignment planning, academic writing, and referencing
  • finding the best information sources for assessments
  • maths and science skills, including statistics, chemistry and more.

Peer mentors are RMIT students who can:

  • assist with coursework
  • share general study skills and encourage academic confidence.

Collection resources

Access additional collection resources:


Develop your research skills:

Easy Cite referencing tool

RMIT referencing guide

Easy Cite provides comprehensive instructions, tips and examples for referencing styles used at RMIT.

Document and pen, with tick box and quotation mark.

Image: Copyright © 2024 RMIT University. Is provided under CC-BY-NC-4.0.