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Library micro-credentials

A guide to the content of the Library's micro-credentials and how teachers and lecturers can embed these creds in courses and programs.

About this cred

This micro-credential has been retired and will not be available from Semester 2, 2024.  

Creating Digital Artefacts is one of 10 Digital Literacy Creds that are designed as a tool to support lifelong learning; to prepare students for living, learning and working in a digital society. 

Social media has become the natural place where businesses interact with the public. But to cut through the online noise organisations need compelling content that grabs people’s attention and makes them take notice – and they need someone with the skills and know-how to create it.

Students will learn to apply their natural creativity to crafting quality online content, including videos, podcasts and eye-catching infographics. They will gain the know-how needed to promote a business and help it gain visibility online, using digital tools to simplify online posting and amplify its reach. They can take first steps toward being a maker, and fuel their future career.

Effort: 8 hours

Mode: Online

Skill points: 20

Access the Creating Digital Artefacts cred.

Learning outcomes

This badge demonstrates to future employers that students are able to:

  • define an audience using a mindmap
  • produce a digital artefact (video podcast or infographic)
  • design and plan an online survey
  • identify and use a digital tool
  • visualise data using an infographic
  • share a digital artefact to a defined audience


This assessment requires marking and moderation.

Students create the following objects, submitting a document with necessary links.

  • project outline
  • mindmap
  • a digital podcast, video or infographic 
  • feedback survey
  • word cloud and reflection piece

​The learner of this cred demonstrates that they have the fundamental skills to create compelling digital content.

The rubric below shows how students are assessed according to the skills required for completion of the cred.     

Criteria Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Points

Define an audience using a mind map

(Learning Outcome 1)

15 pts
The target audience is fully and clearly defined using a comprehensive mind map, with all key components and the persona sufficiently developed (e.g. age, gender, occupation, skills, information needs)

0 pts

The audience has not been clearly defined in a mind map and a persona is not evident


Planning of the digital artefact includes the use of appropriate techniques – ideation, mind mapping, storyboarding and scripting

(Learning Outcome 2; Learning Outcome 4)

20 pts

Technique is presented via a project outline with the following items: - Primary objective; - Summary of target audience; - Key message; - Summary of how the message will be presented via the chosen medium. All techniques have been used effectively to plan the production of the digital artefact: - Project outline is clear and well developed - Objective clearly stated - Script clearly and logically demonstrates what is to be achieved - Storyboard is appropriate for medium and technical aspects clearly scoped

0 pts

Technique has been presented via a project outline, but does not include one or more of the following items: Primary objective; Summary of target audience; Key message; Summary of how the message will be presented via the chosen medium; storyboard. Appropriate techniques have not been used to plan the production of the digital artefact: - Project outline is not clearly articulated - Script does not effectively demonstrate what is to be achieved - Storyboard is inappropriate for medium and technical aspects are not clearly scoped

Creation of artefact

Identify and use digital tools to produce a digital artefact

(Learning Outcome 4)

20 pts

The learner has effectively identified and used appropriate digital tools to create a digital artefact (video, podcast, or infographic) that fulfils/exceeds the brief

0 pts

The learner has not effectively identified and used appropriate tools to create a digital artefact; the artefact does not meet the brief requirements

Sharing of artefact

Share digital artefact with a defined audience

(Learning Outcome 2; Learning Outcome 4; Learning Outcome 6)

15 pts

The digital artefact has been uploaded and successfully shared with the defined audience and meets the audience’s needs

0 pts

The digital artefact has not been successfully uploaded and shared with the audience


Design and plan an online survey

(Learning Outcome 3)

15 pts

The online survey has been effectively planned and designed and has elicited sufficient constructive feedback to enable improvement in the development of future digital products

0 pts

Planning of the online survey is not evident and the survey has not elicited sufficient constructive feedback from the audience to enable improvement in the development of future digital products

Visual representation

Visualise data using an infographic

(Learning Outcome 5)

15 pts

The survey data has been provided as a comprehensive visual representation (i.e. WordCloud) based on audience feedback from open-ended survey question

0 pts

The visual representation of the survey data does not reflect the audience feedback from the open-ended survey question

Total points: 100

Who should do this cred?

This cred is best suited to:

  • undergraduates 
  • postgraduates 
  • students learning how to communicate information in creative formats

Student benefits

Students will learn to apply their creativity to crafting quality online content, including videos, podcasts and eye-catching infographics. This cred shows students how to plan, produce and evaluate their digital artefact. A well-designed and planned digital artefact can be a valuable tool for study and in the workplace, often augmenting static content through the use of a dynamic and attractive medium. Students will gain knowledge related to using digital tools for the online promotion of businesses, other organisations or even themselves, which increases visibility, enhances content and intent, and amplifies their message.

Embedding this cred

This cred allows students to cultivate their creativity and develop technical and design skills with the creation of a digital artefact. Understanding how creativity can be applied and used for different tasks and projects is valuable for study and in professional roles. The ability to produce media that exemplifies a creative approach gives students an opportunity to create more compelling and engaging content. This can be applied to assignments, presentations and in communications and collaboration online. Acquiring skills in the production of digital artefacts represents a high level of digital literacy and mastery of online tools.

How to embed this cred

You can add a link to the cred in Canvas using an existing assignment page or creating a dedicated page.

When embedding a cred in Canvas the following is recommended:

  • Make clear the pass requirements and how many attempts your students can make.
  • Include information on how your students can claim their badge. Include the link to this help document.
  • Explain that students can send you their badge to confirm their completion of the cred.

To align this cred with course outcomes you might:

  • use it in conjunction with another piece of assessment where you want content from your curriculum to be creatively presented
  • set the cred up as an introductory assessment
  • use it as a standalone assessment.

Note: Before deciding to embed this cred, please contact, as well as your College Creds Specialist to discuss how and when you plan to use this in your course. This will facilitate smoother and timely marking and feedback on assessments. 

Note: Make sure your use of the Creating Digital Artefacts cred is included in your Course Guide information.