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Library micro-credentials

A guide to the content of the Library's micro-credentials and how teachers and lecturers can embed these creds in courses and programs.

About this cred

Please be advised that this micro-credential will not be offered in semester 2, 2024 while we undertake a review of the content.  

The Data Literacy Cred is one of 10 Digital Literacy creds that are designed as a tool to support lifelong learning; to prepare students for living, learning and working in a digital society.

These days just about every organisation has extensive customer data at its fingertips – and as some recent high-profile cases have shown, misuse of information can quickly create a public relations disaster. Now, more than ever, companies are looking for employees they can trust absolutely to properly manage their data.

Effort: 3 hours

Mode: Online

Skill points: 10

Access the Data Literacy cred.


Learning outcomes

This badge demonstrates to future employers that students:

  • understand the benefits and risks associated with the use of data in professional and public life
  • understand how personal and corporate data may be collected, stored and accessed
  • understand legal, ethical and security considerations in data collection and use
  • are able to manage and use information ethically and legally, respecting privacy, confidentiality and copyright



Final assessment for this Cred is a multiple-choice quiz (MCQ).This is auto-marked, with no facilitation involved.

Students will have 60 minutes and two attempts to reach the 80% pass mark.

There are short formative activities designed to develop skills in: 

  • understanding of the benefits and risks associated with data usage
  • demonstrating knowledge of responsible data management – from how it should be collected, stored and accessed, to the ethical, security and legal ramifications around its acquisition and use

Who should do this cred?

This cred will benefit anyone who undertakes it, the content is most suited to:

  • second and third year undergraduates
  • Vocational Education students
  • postgraduate students
  • students who will be using data professionally, and need to be aware of ethical considerations and have basic skills in filtering and interpreting data

Student benefits

Students completing this cred will develop skills and knowledge in the legal, ethical and security obligations around the collection and management of data, and how this applies to certain activities in the workplace. They'll learn about the processes around the use of data for decision making in business and government policy formulation. The cred will highlight the risks involved for individuals and businesses due to the mass availability and access to data for corporations and government. How data can be used ethically and legally with respect to privacy, confidentiality, copyright regulations and law will also be covered.

Embedding this cred

Embedding this cred will be useful if you are: 

  • encouraging online discussion in Canvas
  • teaching online and wanting to build online communication between students
  • have students working on group assessments

It is foundational in differentiating between online social interactions and communication in more formal, structured environments with expectations of professional conduct.

How to embed the cred

You can add a link to the cred in Canvas using an existing assignment page or creating a dedicated page.

When embedding a cred in Canvas the following is recommended:

  • Make clear the pass requirements and how many attempts your students can make.
  • Include information on how your students can claim their badge by including the link to this help document.
  • Explain that students can send you their badge to confirm their completion of the cred.

To align this cred with course outcomes you might:

  • use it in conjunction with another piece of assessment where students need to communicate and collaborate online as a part of their assignment
  • set the cred up as an introductory assessment
  • use it as a standalone assessment

Note: Make sure you include your use of the Data Literacy cred in your Course Guide information.