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Assignments: get started

Use the Library to get started with your assessment

Further help

The Library provides a range of services and resources to help you research and write your assessment: 

  • Contact Study Support librarians and academic skills advisors for a consultation.
  • If you are studying in Vietnam, contact the RMIT Vietnam Library support services
  • Connect with a peer mentor.  They are successful students who can help with coursework. 
  • Access the RMIT Learning Lab resources.

Study Support

Book a Study Support consultation with RMIT academic skills advisors and librarians. 

  • Writing skills advisors can help with understanding your assessment task, academic writing, study skills, and referencing..
  • STEM academic skills advisors provide assistance with maths, statistics, chemistry and physics.
  • Librarians can help you with searching for information and finding the best sources, evaluating and organising information, and using Easy Cite to reference your sources. 

 Watch this video to find out how RMIT Library staff can help you with your assignments.

RMIT University Library (11 October 2022) ‘Get study support with a one-on-one consultation’ [video], RMIT University Library, YouTube website, accessed 22 February 2023.

Vietnam Library support

RMIT Vietnam Library offers support services at the Library sites in Saigon South and Hanoi and online via their instant chat service.

RMIT Vietnam - Ask a Librarian chat

Peer Mentoring

student with laptopPeer mentors are successful students, trained to support other students in their learning. 

They can provide general or course-specific advice, and an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences in a fun, relaxed way..                             

RMIT Learning Lab

Access online activities and resources to build your study, writing, maths and English language skills.

Activity: create your own custom tips guide