Work Integrated Learning (WIL) is about placing you in the workplace so that you can apply your University education in a professional setting.
This guide provides access to a range of resources to help you develop your knowledge of WIL, including what is expected of you before embarking on a placement, while you are in the workplace, and after the completion of your placement.
Login and search LibrarySearch using keywords that describe your topic, then refine your results to books and chapters. (Alternatively, you can refine your results to articles to find journal articles, including industry magazines and newspapers).
Combine your keywords with AND to find all search terms.
Use OR to find any words or synonyms.
Find “exact phrases” with quotation marks.
Add an asterisk to part of a word to find different endings and plurals.
An example search:
("work integrated learning" OR WIL) AND "social work"
Try these keywords and subject headings to search for relevant books:
The Emerald "Learning Zone" guide Learning from work experience covers the following topics: