Case studies help you gain real-world insights into the tourism industry. They can be found in a wide range of library databases. To see the full list of databases, you can check the A-Z databases list.
Here are four curated databases where you can find case studies that present real world problems.
Resources cover company, country, industry and product intelligence. To find cases studies, navigate to the 'Analysis' tab, and choose 'Cases Studies'.
Emerald Insight is a leading independent publisher of global research with impact in business, society, public policy and education. To find cases studies, choose 'Advanced Search', and tick the box 'Case studies'
WARC is a database providing access to advertising and marketing information from various sources. To find case studies, choose the 'Strategy' tab, under 'Case studies', select 'Case finder'.
Find Case Studies
This case studies guide explains the variety of case studies and how to locate them using Library resources.
Find Case Studies in Harvard Business Review (HBR)
Case studies published in the HBR are findable by title in LibrarySearch or via the EBSCOhost Business Source Complete database.