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Digital tools for research

Find information on digital tools to analyse and visualise data and text.

What is data visualisation?

Data visualisation (also data visualization or dataviz) is an umbrella term for converting data sources into a visual representation and can include charts, spreadsheets, graphs, maps, tables, animations, and data art. In short, it is the process used to create data graphics.

Data visualisation can be used to analyse and better understand your research dataset as well as communicate your dataset and research story to an audience. According to Yau (2013, p. xi), a good visualisation should enable you to see "trends, patterns, and outliers that tell you about yourself and what surrounds you".


Yau, N. (2013). Data points: Visualization that means something. John Wiley & Sons.

Melbourne Urban Forest data visualisation

Data visualisation tools and applications

Curated collections of dataviz tools

Graphs, charts, diagrams

ExcelSPSS,  StorylineInfraNodusTableau PublicD3PythonR

Note: RMIT provides licences to some commercial software packages (e.g. SPSS) for staff and students. Please visit the ITS lists of software available to staff and students to see what software you are eligible to access and how to obtain access.


GephiTableau PublicCytoscapeNodeXLD3Neo4j 

Resources and training

Tutorials and Resources

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