In 2017 a group of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives from around Australia produced the Uluru Statement from the Heart. This landmark document calls for recognition of Aboriginal sovereignty, constitutional reform, a Makaratta (Treaty), truth-telling, and a voice to Parliament. Explore the Statement and its background.
"File:Uluru Statement.jpg" by BrownHoneyAnt is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
Mayor, T. (2019). Finding the heart of the nation: the journey of the Uluru Statement towards voice, treaty and truth Hardie Grant Travel. Cover image © Tourism Australia. All rights reserved.
In the RMIT context, cultural safety means more than avoiding offence and hurt. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, a culturally safe environment also includes access to education and research which embodies familiar cultural values and norms. For people from other diverse cultures, these norms may be different from their own.
Below is a selection of general cultural sensitivity warnings you might consider adding to material or content you create:
The warnings are generic and can be modified to include identification of the specific content that will be addressed.
It is important to practice self-care when learning about the history of Australian Government policies on the protection, integration and assimilation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This history may be new to some students, while others may have more experience with this content.
You may find some material confronting and experience unexpected emotions and behaviours. It is important to support yourself. Some suggestions include: