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Country Analysis

This research guide provides you with starting points for finding information, analysis and statistics on various countries.

Find books, e-books and chapters

Login and search LibrarySearch using keywords that describe your topic, then refine your results to books and book chapters.

  • Combine your keywords with AND to find all search terms.

  • Use OR to find any words or synonyms.

  • Find “exact phrases” with quotation marks.

  • Add an asterisk to part of a word to find different endings and plurals.

An example search: 

(Country name) AND "economic forecasts"

Search the Library

Use LibrarySearch to find books and ebooks on country analysis.

Key search terms for finding resources on country analysis:

  • [Country name] AND “country profile”  

  • [Country name] AND “country analysis” 

  • [Country name] AND “country report” 

  • [Country name]AND economics 

  • [Country name] AND “economic conditions” 

  • [Country name] AND “economic forecasts” 

  • [Country name] AND statistics 

  • (Country name) AND demographics 

More search terms:

You can use the left menu in LibrarySearch to refine and filter your search results.

For more tips: see Using LibrarySearch and Learning Lab's Develop your search strategy.

e-Books guide

See the Library’s e-Book guide for tips on using e-books.

Search skills

Assignments: get started- find out how to research your topic to find suitable information.