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Country Analysis

This research guide provides you with starting points for finding information, analysis and statistics on various countries.

Recommended databases

Find reports in EBSCO Business Searching Interface:

  1. Click on the ‘Country Reports’ link in the Browse menu on the right-hand side  

  2. Type the name of a country and click Browse. 


Find country profiles in Factiva: 

  1. In Source: Select ‘Group: Major Aust. Publications’ then click ‘remove’ so that is displays ‘All Sources’.

  2. In Subject: add ‘Country Profiles’.

  3. In Region: select a country OR type a country in the Free Text search box.

  4. Click Search.

Further Support

Study Support

You can get drop-in help from academic skills advisors and librarians in the Study Support Hubs, both on-campus and online, or submit a question or assignment for feedback. 

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Vietnam Library Study Support

Check out the Library study support resources and contacts for Vietnam students.

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