Keep up to date with the latest news and events about RMIT's education strategy, educator professional development and scholarly practice, educational technologies, policies and guidelines, student support and more.
Michael Sankey (Griffith University) explores how to facilitate active, collaborative and authentic learning experiences by using digital tools to enhance teaching now and post-Covid-19
Kyriaki Papageorgiou (ESADE Business & Law School) outlines shifts in higher education that should help academics in designing more effective teaching and in recognising what areas need in-person instruction and what can be done online.
Flower Darby (Northern Arizona University) talks through the digital teaching skills and tools that instructors should hold on to, even after returning to campus, to enhance student learning and success.
Andrew Estrada Phuong (University of California, Berkeley) and co-authors present a framework for an adaptive equity-oriented pedagogy that helps diverse students achieve better results.
Allan Yuen Hoi-kau (Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education) highlights five trends to look out for as higher education in Asia evolves post-pandemic, and shares tips on striking a balance between technology and learning objectives.
Contact the Library Teaching Support team for advice and support in: reading lists, course resource support, and copyright and digitisation of course materials.
Do your students need help with the structure and style of different assessment types? Here they can access online tutorials and find resources focusing on the requirements and structure of the most common assignment types.
The RMIT Library Creds guide explains the content of the Library's Creds and how teachers and lecturers can embed these creds in courses and programs. Includes 10 digital literacy microcredentials.
This guide gives useful mobile app recommendations for smartphones and tablets. Aimed at students, teachers and academics, these apps can help you with your study and work, productivity and general well-being.