"Reflective practice is as much a state of mind, or attitude, as it is a set of activities"
Griffiths: 2010
Need help interpreting the CES data to inform your practice?
'Reflective teaching practice encourages us to understand our learners ... their needs and abilities.'
Using reflective practice Colin continues to enhance the teaching of geography. Reflection on his students' needs caused him to develop a strategy to make his geography classes more hands-on.
For more stories about inclusive teaching approaches go to Snapshots of Inclusive Teaching Practice.
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The Purpose of Reflective Practice: This video explores how 'Reflective Practice' can make an impact in the workplace, with a focus on pedagogy.
Share your teaching philosophy with students to help build good relationships. Explain what motivates you as a teacher and give them an understanding about why you are doing, what you are doing.
What is your teaching philosophy? What does good teaching mean to you? What do you think effective learning is? What approaches have influenced the way you teach?
Ask students what they think good teaching is. How does good teaching motivate their learning?
3 Quick questions to ask after teaching:
1. What went well?
2. What could have gone better?
3. What can I do about it?
Student feedback is an invaluable component in the wide array of tools that can be used to reflect on and improve teaching.
All we need to do is ask, and then be prepared to listen and act.
Interested in peer feedback on your teaching?