Not all research data is electronic. Data can be collected in many formats. For all types of data, you will need to think about how you will preserve the data and control who can access the data - both during and after your research activity. This may affect how you collect the data. For example, you may need to get consent from research participants.
Before you start the data collection process ensure the following:
How to avoid a data management nightmare (4:46 mins) by NYU Health Sciences Library (YouTube)
You should document how you will manage your research data before you start your research.
You may need a research data plan for your research grant application or as a contractual requirement.
Other benefits of having a plan are:
RMIT has provided a Research Data Management Plan you can use as a template for your research, downloadable here or through the Researcher Portal here.
The what, why, and how of data management planning (5:30 mins) by Research Data Netherlands (YouTube)