When looking for information about a company, consider both information from the company itself (e.g., the company website, press releases, etc.) as well as information about the company written by others (e.g., newspaper articles, analyst reports, journal articles). Finding information about a company includes the following steps:
Follow these steps to find information:
1. Search for the company's website
2. Search the databases listed in the 'Company and Industry databases' tab for a company report
3. Search for newspaper articles on the company in databases listed under the 'Newspaper articles databases' tab on this page.
4. Search for journal articles and other types of publications on the company in databases listed under the Company and Industry databases tab.
Tip: Make sure you are searching for the Company's official name. A brand name might not be the company's official name.
When searching for information about ports, consider a port essentially like a company. Try Google to locate a webpage for the port, look for a company report in the company databases (Marketline is a good place to start). Look for either scholarly articles or news article in the appropriate databases (Ebsco Host, Proquest, Factiva).