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Interior Design and Interior Decoration

This research guide will provide you with starting points for finding information on Interior Design and Interior Decoration.


Databases are collections of resources, primarily journal articles, but they can also contain conference papers, videos, ebooks, reports, images and more. Many databases specialise in a specific subject area, so you'll know when you're searching the database you will find material relevant to your studies. 

Note: Some databases provide the full text of publications online, others only index journals or provide summaries of the articles. In many cases you can link to the full text by clicking on the Find it button. 

For more databases in your subject area, use the A-Z Databases tool, choose Interior design, and review the details of the databases before selecting. 


A standard is a "documented agreement containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines or definitions of characteristics, to ensure that materials, products, process and services are fit for purpose." (ISO) 

Library Guide for Standards

Building Codes

National Construction Code

National Construction Code (NCC), Building Code of Australia and Plumbing Code of Australia. 

The National Construction Code (NCC) comprises the Building Code of Australia (BCA) as Volumes One and Two, and the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) as Volume Three. 

Victorian Building Regulations

The full regulations incorporating amendments.

Company and Industry Information