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Foundation Studies

Provides starting points for finding information on the research topics for Foundation Studies.

Tips for searching the internet

Search engines are a useful tool, but how can students get the best results from them? This programme helps students develop a critical approach to conducting online research.

The web address will indicate the type of site it is and therefore something of the authority, accuracy, purpose and even intended audience of the site:

.gov = government site
.edu = educational site
.com = commercial site
.org/.net = organisational site

The web address will also give you an indication of geographical relevance:

.au = Australia
.uk = United Kingdon

.jp = Japan


Wikipedia is very good in terms of its "currency" and the background information it provides. It has a transparent editorial process where you can access discussions around the information included.

But remember that like the internet generally the contributors to Wikipedia have no necessary "authority" or expertise. It is important to check the information for "accuracy". Don't rely on information you obtain there and ensure that it is consistent with other sources.

Fake News

About fake news

The concept of 'fake news' has received a lot of publicity in recent times, particularly in light of the recent American elections. Just as there may be fake news on social media, there are also of course fake websites. Read this recent article from The Wall Street Journal about a recent study undertaken by Stanford University. The study was conducted using almost 8000 middle school through to undergraduate students and around 82% of these student could not distinguish between fake news and reliable news on websites.

Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus
Fake News and Social Media

We all know that anyone can publish to the internet right? Where better to design and promote a fake news story than through social media, especially if news sites get hold of it and you can potentially reap the rewards of advertising. Read this interesting article from Scientific American about how fake news and news sites are being promoted through social media.

Now, have a look at this Blog post about what to watch out for and how to be news savvy and catch out fake news!

And watch this video from the Behind the News! (ABC ME November 29, 2016)

Evaluating information sources

The CRAAP test

Evaluate your sources using the CRAAP test to find reliable, quality information.

Currency: when was it created?
Relevance: is it on my topic?
Authority: is it by an expert?
Accuracy: is it correct?
Purpose: why was it created?

The SIFT method

Evaluate web and social media sources in 4 moves using the SIFT method.

Stop - think before using a source.
Investigate where it is from.
Find alternative sources.
Trace claims, quotes and media.

Fact checking

Fact checking is an important skill. Find out how to assess and verify your sources with RMIT's Fact checking guide.

• Assess websites and social media.
• Lean how to spot fake news.
• Develop your media literacy skills.