Search database collections using the main keywords that describe your topic. For example: entrepreneurship
Databases often include advanced search options for combining keywords and refining your search. These can help you find the most relevant results. Learn more about searching databases effectively.
Find journal articles and case studies on a broad range of subjects including entrepreneurship, small business, consumer behaviour, market analysis and management.
Search using the main keywords that describe your topic. For example: entrepreneurship
Try the advanced search options for combining keywords and refining your search to find the most relevant results.
For more resources in your subject area, use the A-Z Databases tool, choose Entrepreneurship, and review the details of the databases before making a selection.
Find resources to help identify competitors, customers and analyse consumer behaviour.
For help check out the Australian Bureau Of Statistics QuickStats Tutorial
TIP: You can also use the Passport and OECD iLibrary databases to locate statistical information and analysis about your potential customer base.
News about a company or industry including industry trends, new products, mergers or acquisitions, what’s hot and what’s not plus any problems or issues relating to a company or industry.
Case studies generally describe real world practical examples from which others can gain insight for their own application. Case studies can provide both positive examples, as well as raise issues and challenges for others to be aware of.
TIP: To locate case studies in LibrarySearch, enter the search terms, "case study" or "case studies" and the keywords describing your topic.
TIP: To locate case studies in some of the Library databases, either look for a 'Case Study' filter, or enter the search terms, "case study" or "case studies" and the keywords describing your topic.
Australian Statistics
International Statistics
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