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Reference managers

An introductory guide to three common Reference managers - EndNote, Zotero and Mendeley.


Why use Zotero?

Zotero is a free, easy to use desktop application to help collect, organise, cite and share references. Features of Zotero include: 

  • Open source and developed by an independent, nonprofit organisation
  • Has a single standalone application for users of all operating systems
  • Supports a large library of citation styles, including RMIT Harvard
  • The 'Zotero Connector' browser plugin allows saving websites and articles to Zotero

Zotero Online

This is the cloud based version of Zotero. Create an online account to sync your Zotero library to the cloud and between computers.

Resources for using Zotero

Installing Zotero

The short video below demonstrates how to download the Zotero application, as well as some of the main features of Zotero.

Introduction to Zotero (4:26 mins) by Northwestern University Libraries (YouTube)

How to add references to Zotero

The document below outlines a variety of methods to add references to a Zotero library, including:

  • Adding references to a desktop library from databases such as ScienceDirect, ProQuest and Google Scholar (the principles can be also be used for other databases, including LibrarySearch)
  • Adding references to an online library using the Zotero Connector browser plugin, from websites and academic databases
  • Adding references to a library by importing PDFs

Using Microsoft Word with Zotero

The document below outlines methods for adding citations from your Zotero library into Microsoft Word. Steps to create a bibliography and change referencing styles are also included.

Zotero browser connector proxy settings

OpenAthens has replaced EZproxy as RMIT's authentication and electronic access management system that provides access to the Library's licensed online resources, both on and off campus.

If you are using the Zotero Connector browser extension, it is recommended to disable the proxy settings. Please follow the below steps to update these:

  1. In your browser, navigate to the extensions section and select Zotero Connector
  2. Select the Proxies tab
  3. In the Configured Proxies list, if you have any URLs containing "ezproxy", please remove these by selecting and clicking on the "-" button at the bottom of the list
  4. Uncheck the tick box next to Enable proxy redirection.