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Architecture, Building Design and Urban Design

This guide showcases the major resources available for research in the field of Architecture, Building Design, and Urban Design.

Avery database

Use the Avery database to find floor plans, cross-sections, elevations, photos and images of buildings that have been published in academic journals and magazines.

Step 1  

Type the name of a building, or the architect’s name (or both) in the Avery search tool 

eg:  MAAT AND Amanda Levete 

to find plans for the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology (MAAT) building by architect Amanda Levete. 

Step 2 
The search results will list articles related to this topic.To work out if an article includes plans, click on the "Abstract/Details" link on the item you are interested in.  This will take you to a new page, under the "Document feature" section you will see if there are any plans etc included in the document. 


Step 3 

To find the article, either click the Find it button Find it to see if it is available in full text, or search LibrarySearch for a print copy of the article.

Birkhauser Building Types Online

RMIT Building Plans

There are a range of ways to find images, plans and floor plans of RMIT buildings. Try the resources below:

Historic Building Plans

See these collections for plans, photographs, drawings and other information on Melbourne buildings.

RMIT Design Archives

Explore the RMIT Design Archives online catalogue for drawings and plans of Victorian-based architecture and buildings 

Peter Corrigan & Maggie Edmond, Diazotype featuring perspective of 'Level 4 & 5, Stair 10 Tile Layout and Top' for 'RMIT Building 8 Extension', 1993, Diazotypes, RMIT Design Archives