Use the Avery database to find floor plans, cross-sections, elevations, photos and images of buildings that have been published in academic journals and magazines.
Step 1
Type the name of a building, or the architect’s name (or both) in the Avery search tool
eg: MAAT AND Amanda Levete
to find plans for the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology (MAAT) building by architect Amanda Levete.
Step 2
The search results will list articles related to this topic.To work out if an article includes plans, click on the "Abstract/Details" link on the item you are interested in. This will take you to a new page, under the "Document feature" section you will see if there are any plans etc included in the document.
Step 3
To find the article, either click the Find it button to see if it is available in full text, or search LibrarySearch for a print copy of the article.
There are a range of ways to find images, plans and floor plans of RMIT buildings. Try the resources below:
See these collections for plans, photographs, drawings and other information on Melbourne buildings.
Explore the RMIT Design Archives online catalogue for drawings and plans of Victorian-based architecture and buildings
Peter Corrigan & Maggie Edmond, Diazotype featuring perspective of 'Level 4 & 5, Stair 10 Tile Layout and Top' for 'RMIT Building 8 Extension', 1993, Diazotypes, RMIT Design Archives.