Unlocking Research Visibility: Discover the new Research Repository and Open Access Support
Join us for an in-depth session on RMIT's new Research Repository. This platform is designed to amplify the visibility and impact of your scholarly work. We will provide a step-by-step guide on how you can add research to the repository and showcase it to a worldwide audience.
This session will also outline the Library's support for Open Access availability of your research outputs. Open Access is pivotal in making research freely accessible, increasing citation rates, and fostering global collaboration. We'll offer practical insights into self-archiving (“green” OA), allowing you to share your research while complying with publisher policies.
Wednesday, April 9, 2:30 - 3:30PM
Register via link below:
Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay
Open access refers to the publication of research outputs such as journal articles, conference papers, books and book chapters, theses, and reports that are freely available online to everyone. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to the full-text, or use open access materials for any other lawful purpose.
Research outputs that are open access and made available through disciplinary or institutional repositories are far likelier to receive more diverse citations through a broader and more diverse readership than through traditional publisher platforms (Huang et al., 2024).
Huang, C.-K., Neylon, C., Montgomery, L., Hosking, R., Diprose, J. P., Handcock, R. N., & Wilson, K. (2024). Open access research outputs receive more diverse citations. Scientometrics, 129(2), 825–845. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-023-04894-0
Open Access Explained! (8:23 mins) by Piled Higher and Deeper (PHD Comics) is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Open access publications and open educational resources have fundamental common features that include:
The differences lie in their purpose and types of materials, and consequently the kinds of permissions allowed for use and reuse.
Open access | Open educational resources |
Purpose: scholarly works primarily created to document new knowledge and advance the scholarly conversation. | Purpose: codified knowledge used for teaching, learning and stimulating discourse. |
Formats: scholarly books, journal articles, theses, conference papers, creative works, research data, and other non-traditional research outputs. | Formats: videos, software, textbooks, assessment resources, teaching guides, images and figures, simulations etc. |
Permissions: Creative Commons licence may be applied, allowing reuse or adaption. | Permissions: Creative Commons licence usually applied. Customisation often permitted. |
RMIT research output citation data from 2020-2023 shows on average an increase when published in open access journals.
Image: Copyright © RMIT University, data sourced from SciVal and Altmetric Explorer.
This Library guide by RMIT University Library is licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0 licence, except where otherwise noted. All reasonable efforts have been made to clearly label material where the copyright is owned by a third party and ensure that the copyright owner has consented to this material being presented in this library guide. The RMIT University logo is ‘all rights reserved’.