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Research integrity

A guide outlining Library support available to Researchers and Higher Degree by Research students on aspects of research integrity.

About intellectual property, copyright and moral rights

Intellectual property

In the University context, intellectual property (IP) is the ideas or information that result from research carried out by individual students, staff or collaborative groups.

Become familiar with the RMIT University Intellectual Property Policy to understand the University's position on ownership of IP and how it protects the rights of the university, and of individual staff and students as creators.


Copyright is a form of intellectual property. Copyright protects an original expression in material form of ideas or information (i.e. the intellectual property), not the ideas or information themselves.  

Copyright of published research generally belongs to the researcher or to the publisher, whereas the copyright of learning and teaching materials produced by RMIT staff generally belongs to the University.

Moral rights

Creators of copyright works have moral rights under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). While copyright can be transferred, as may be the case if you publish your research, moral rights are retained by individual creators. 

Creators have three moral rights:

  1. To be attributed (or credited) for their work
  2. Not to have their work falsely attributed
  3. Not to have their work treated in a derogatory way

Further help

Please contact Copyright Services with any queries: