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This guide is designed to provide you with tools and resources to help you prepare and study for the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education.

Find books, e-books and chapters

Login and search LibrarySearch using keywords that describe your topic, then refine your results to books and book chapters.

  • Combine your keywords with AND to find all search terms.

  • Use OR to find any words or synonyms.

  • Find “exact phrases” with quotation marks.

  • Add an asterisk to part of a word to find different endings and plurals.

An example search: 

"digital advertising" AND (consumer OR customer) AND behavio*

How to find a book in the library

This video explains how to understand a call number to locate a book in the Library.

RMIT University Library (14 October 2021) ‘How to find a book in the Library’ [video], RMIT University Library, YouTube website, accessed 14 April 2023.

Recommended book titles

The Library has e- books and materials you can study to help you pass this test. Browse or click on the links below:

Associated texts NAPLAN

These books are included because the LANTITE tests are deemed to be similar in level to Year 9 and 10 NAPLAN tests. These books can be borrowed from the RMIT Library.

e-Books guide

See the Library’s e-Book guide for tips on using e-books.

Search skills

Assignments: get started- find out how to research your topic to find suitable information.

Evaluating information


Evaluate your sources using the C.R.A.A.P test to find reliable, quality information.

    When was it created?

    Is it on my topic?

    Is it by an expert?

    Is it correct and reliable?

    Why was it created?